Gregory County Conoco History

Andy Wagner of Houston, TX, worked for Conoco for 33 years, and he connected with the Gregory County Historical Society this summer to share information about old Conoco stations. The below picture is from the April 1927 Continental Oil “Sentinel” magazine, reporting that Conoco was building a filling station in Dallas, SD.

Andy also shared:   “The October 1938 Conoco “Red Triangle” magazine mentions Conoco Agent Art Lewis in Burke, and the December 1938 edition has the attached fantastic article about Home Oil’s Conoco station in Gregory.  It is a neat article with two photos, and I thought you would appreciate seeing it. I have notes of the Conoco station in Burke, operated over the years by Bill Fee, William Powell, Schoenefeld, Kirsch & Fedde, Turgeon Bros., Art Lewis, Vanderkur, Dwaine Rolf and Bob’s Conoco in the early 1960’s. In 1959, the John Slouka Conoco in Gregory is advertising in a local high school yearbook.  The last attachment is from the Fall 1956 Conoco magazine, with a feature in which Conoco would honor station operators and Agents who were active in their community.  This edition features Art Lewis and includes his photo, noting that he has been the Conoco Agent for over 20 years!”

Richard Rubel shared the below photo of a Conoco station in Paxton, SD, and Andy noted:  “That photo appears to be from the 1930s, and while I cannot read the lettering below the ‘Conoco’ on the sign, I suspect it says ‘Mileage Merchant’ which was a slogan adopted in 1937. That station–while having a large Conoco sign–is what is known as a ‘split island’ station, meaning it sold two competing brands of gasoline. In this case, the two gas pumps on the left are selling Red Crown (Standard) gasoline.”