Above normal autumn temperatures

including this writer, took advantage of the above normal autumn temperatures to put up their
Christmas lights. I’m usually up on a ladder in below freezing temps and/or a blizzard putting up those
lights much like I did when we use to take off screens and put on the storm windows!

A LITTLE ADVERTISING…..the Gregory County historical map would make an excellent Christmas present and further a good cause. The map shows all the locations and features short write-ups of early Gregory County towns and sites. They cost $20 and are available from Richard Rubel in Dallas/Gregory, Rev. Clark Gies in Fairfax, and Jerry Peterson or myself in Burke. With all the unseasonably warm weather we’ve had this fall, it’s hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.

THE BIG NEWS AROUND OUR LITTLE TOWN IS “THE FRANKLIN STREET MASSACRE” that occurred this past week. Apparently, Coach Steele’s small herd of “wiener” dogs escaped from their kennel and made their way over to the Matt Lindholm’s small chicken operation and “took out” the entire flock. We
know, firsthand, how aggressive those little dogs are-especially when you get more than two of them
together. They think they can whip the world! We know, firsthand, that Coach Steele feels badly about
the escape. We are happy Buster was contained as he would have been the “leader of the pack.”

When the Erik Person family, just west of us, started their small chicken operation, our fourteen year old
Oscar “took out” one of the layers……Oscar had twelve teeth pulled this past week, which most likely
reduced his role as a chicken assassin. Recently a wild animal, perhaps a skunk, mink, or even a fox, dug his way under the Person family’s chicken pen and also wiped out their entire flock.
This corner would like to extend my condolences to the Lindholm’s and Persons. Both of the
“massacres” reminded this writer of the time when a couple of neighborhood Golden Labs got into “the
Broome’s” rabbit pens and wiped out our family’s entire rabbit herd. That’s when we lived on the corner
just south of the school. Their protector, Buttons(a Cocker Spaniel) was apparently asleep(which is what
she mostly did) on the job. Anyway, after these two massacres, the price of eggs in the community will
likely skyrocket; which may negatively impact the upcoming “Tom and Jerry Season” which relies heavily on eggs. See you next week!!

Author:  Jack Broome